Here, I am listing an in-depth description of the jewellers tools, there real names, what they are for & how they are used, again this is work in progress, so keep checking for updates.
This is what we, as jewellers, work on 90% of the time and is our main aid in the making of jewellery.

A steel frame with a wooden handle, you insert a very fine blade into the wing nuts, the blade is very very fine, the finest is like a hairs breadth. It has very fine teeth & is very sharp. Almost a fret saw, very manoeuvrable so that the jeweller can do very fine, precision work.
Blades that fit into the sawframe. They are almost as fine as your hair but can come in thicker gradients and are able to do very fine work, such as filigree.
Round nose and ring nose/half round pliers used to shape metal, by way of using hands and pliers. Round nose for turning up small circular rings; half round for turning up rings.
Are for preparing work for polishing, removing all the scratches, file marks, shallow fire stain etc. There are two types, flat and ring, and come in several gradients from rough to smooth.
Does almost the same as emery sticks, but can get in to small nooks and crannies, easier to use and lasts longer.
Remove, amongst other things, solder marks, files down the metal to any given thickness and basically, cleans up your work.

Do the same as files, but because they resemble a needle, do much finer, smaller work, in much more awkward places.
Is the substance that fuses the silver together and comes in three different types - temperatures: HARD, MEDIUM & EASY. Each one “runs” at a different lesser temperature than the last, HARD being the last to run and EASY being the first when heated with a torch. For example, if you have a ring with, for arguments sake, three points of solder, you will first use the hard solder, melting at the greatest temperature 780°C, then you would use on the next point medium solder, melting at 730°C, then the last point easy solder melting at 680°C. These solders come in paste cement form in an oversize hypodermic needle and last for months on end.
Or steel mandrel, shapes metal, sheet, wire: perfectly round, square, triangular. Can be hardened steel or hard wood, mandrel's come in different sizes and weights, steel mandrel's can come with ring sizes on, consisting of the alphabet, ie. ring sizes. Also the steel disappears to a taper on the mandrel,
the metal is beaten usually with a cow hide mallet.

A cow hide (Soft Hammer) handled implement, comes in different sizes and weights, Used to shape metal, mainly on the triblet above, but also on an anvil/hotplate and can be aided with other tools, such as punches to shape the metal. one mallet will last a jeweller a lifetime.

This is what we, as jewellers, work on 90% of the time and is our main aid in the making of jewellery.
A steel frame with a wooden handle, you insert a very fine blade into the wing nuts, the blade is very very fine, the finest is like a hairs breadth. It has very fine teeth & is very sharp. Almost a fret saw, very manoeuvrable so that the jeweller can do very fine, precision work.
Blades that fit into the sawframe. They are almost as fine as your hair but can come in thicker gradients and are able to do very fine work, such as filigree.
Round nose and ring nose/half round pliers used to shape metal, by way of using hands and pliers. Round nose for turning up small circular rings; half round for turning up rings.
Are for preparing work for polishing, removing all the scratches, file marks, shallow fire stain etc. There are two types, flat and ring, and come in several gradients from rough to smooth.
Does almost the same as emery sticks, but can get in to small nooks and crannies, easier to use and lasts longer.
Remove, amongst other things, solder marks, files down the metal to any given thickness and basically, cleans up your work.
Do the same as files, but because they resemble a needle, do much finer, smaller work, in much more awkward places.
Is the substance that fuses the silver together and comes in three different types - temperatures: HARD, MEDIUM & EASY. Each one “runs” at a different lesser temperature than the last, HARD being the last to run and EASY being the first when heated with a torch. For example, if you have a ring with, for arguments sake, three points of solder, you will first use the hard solder, melting at the greatest temperature 780°C, then you would use on the next point medium solder, melting at 730°C, then the last point easy solder melting at 680°C. These solders come in paste cement form in an oversize hypodermic needle and last for months on end.
Or steel mandrel, shapes metal, sheet, wire: perfectly round, square, triangular. Can be hardened steel or hard wood, mandrel's come in different sizes and weights, steel mandrel's can come with ring sizes on, consisting of the alphabet, ie. ring sizes. Also the steel disappears to a taper on the mandrel,
the metal is beaten usually with a cow hide mallet.
A cow hide (Soft Hammer) handled implement, comes in different sizes and weights, Used to shape metal, mainly on the triblet above, but also on an anvil/hotplate and can be aided with other tools, such as punches to shape the metal. one mallet will last a jeweller a lifetime.